Regulatory Updates

The FCA issues a 'Dear CEO' consumer duty letter to general insurance and pure protection firms

20 Feb 2023 - In The News

The FCA has issued a ‘Dear CEO’ letter to general insurance and pure protection sector firms as part of its promised sector-specific publication of information and assistance in relation to the Consumer Duty. The letter sets out: a reminder of the…

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FCA publishes results of a review of consumer duty implementation plans and updates its consumer duty 'information for firms' web page

17 Feb 2023 - In The News

The FCA has announced the publication of a new web page outlining the results of a review it has undertaken of some larger firms’ Consumer Duty implementation plans. The firms in the sample have a dedicated FCA supervision team and which primarily operate in…

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Delivering your Consumer Duty implementation plans

13 Feb 2023 - Hot TopICS

By the end of October 2022, firms should have reviewed, challenged and agreed their plans for implementing the Consumer Duty, ensuring that they were robust and deliverable, and should now be well on the way to putting those plans into practice and embedding…

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HM Government: Department for levelling up, housing and communities (DLUHC) responds to the FCA's report about the buildings insurance market for multi-occupancy residential buildings

7 Feb 2023 - In The News

The DLUHC has published a further letter to the FCA from the Secretary of State, Michael Gove, setting out his response to the FCA’s September 2022 report about the multiple-occupancy residential buildings insurance market. The letter acknowledges the FCA’s…

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Evidence to support GI pricing reporting and the senior manager attestation

16 Jan 2023 - Hot TopICS

Following the March 2022 general insurance (GI) pricing senior manager attestations, the FCA carried out follow-up work that involved contacting firms and asking for sight of the evidence and management information (MI) that they had considered to enable them…

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Relevance to AR Principals of the recent FCA CMC Portfolio Letter

12 Jan 2023 - Regulatory Updates

The FCA has sent a letter to Claims Management Companies (CMCs) which, although not as hard-line as their similar October 2020 Portfolio Letter, provides a window into the FCA’s current focus on unregulated activity. Firms should understand the reasons for…

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