ICO publishes guidance to ensure lawful workplace monitoring
The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is calling on organisations to consider both their legal obligations and their workers’ rights before they implement any monitoring in the workplace. With the rise of remote working and developments in the…
Financial resilience and resilience reporting – why, what, and what next?
Financial resilience is the ability of an organisation to withstand events that affect its capital structure, liquidity, revenue and assets, and is a measure of how robust a financial plan is to shocks. Without it, operational and reputational resilience…
How Hard do we try to be Inclusive?
September 2023 has been a busy month for the diversity, equality and inclusion discussion. We have seen the publication of the long awaited FCA consultation paper CP23/20 Diversity and inclusion in the financial sector – working together to drive change
Product Governance
The FCA has commenced a second wave of product oversight and governance thematic review work, to understand whether the product reviews, including fair value assessments and product distribution reviews are being undertaken in line with the FCA’s expectations…
FCA reporting for insurance intermediaries – an update
In days past, the only regular report to the FCA for an insurance intermediary was its RMAR, which was either half-yearly or quarterly depending on the firm’s regulated business revenue. There is now a myriad of FCA reporting and notifications, which have…
FCA reminds firms about ICO guidance in relation to direct marketing and regulatory communications
The FCA has updated its ‘Consumer Duty – information for firms’ page to remind firms about data protection law and customer communications. Under the Consumer Understanding outcome, the FCA expects consumers to be given the information they need, at the right…