Regulatory Updates

FCA publishes its latest update to its Perimeter Report

12 Apr 2024 - In The News

The FCA has updated its Perimeter Report, which continues to be published in the firm of an updated web page. It is difficult, therefore, to assess which elements of the Report are new.

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What counts as CPD?

12 Apr 2024 - Regulatory Updates

For individuals to contribute successfully to an organisation, it is essential that they understand their role and the responsibilities it entails. Having this understanding will allow them (and you) to be able to judge whether they are competent to perform…

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FCA confirms widening of FOS fees reporting requirement

9 Apr 2024 - In The News

The FCA has published Handbook Notice 117 which, in Section 3, provides feedback to a number of Consultations. This Handbook Notice will serve, effectively, as the Policy Statements in relation to these Consultations. One particular impact to note is the…

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FOS expects complaints to rise by 15% to 210,000 in 2024/2025

9 Apr 2024 - In The News

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) now expects a caseload of 210,000 complaints in 2024/25, a 15% rise from its previous prediction of 181,300 and 27% more than it recorded in 2022/23.

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The rise of ‘finfluencers’ and the risks to them and people following their posts

4 Apr 2024 - Regulatory Updates

The FCA recently published Guidance clarifying its expectations of firms and ‘finfluencers’ promoting financial services across all social media channels, including memes, reels and gaming streams. Finfluencers are influencers who offer advice and…

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The Consumer Duty Board Report – what is the FCA expecting? Guidance for firms

28 Mar 2024 - Hot TopICS

A key element of the FCA’s Consumer Duty Rules is that firms must monitor the outcomes that retail customers are experiencing from their products. The Rules also require firms, at least annually, to prepare, review, and approve at governing body level (so at…

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